
Get accurate and near-instant data on global properties via API

Tensorflight gives underwriters and insurers access to rich and accurate datasets for commercial property to create better insurance products.

Our solution

Tensorflight is the first property-inspection platform based on convolutional neural networks. Our technology connects to your software via API and uses ground-level imagery combined with satellite and aerial imagery to create accurate replacement costs and better assess risk.

Geolocation accuracy

Footprint and square footage

Construction type

Number of stories


Additional features

Our offer is suitable for


Providing a differentiated quote and a more efficient and improved product.


A customized approach to ongoing process and portfolio optimization.

In the world of property inspections, accurate and efficient roof material identification is essential


Speed up reserve setting and claim settlement.


High-quality data on-demand for e-trading platforms.


Assistance with the assessment of building structure.

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