We are thrilled to announce that we have just welcomed a new customer – MS Amlin.

The leading property insurer is focused on improving underwriting and actuarial results. Tensorflight can support this mission with AI-derived building data. This includes everything from construction type to defensible space.
Farah Bukhari, Data Analyst at MS Amlin, said:
“Tensorflight’s technology offers critical building attributes that will actively help us to transform the way we look at property exposure. The solutions will be the first step in a journey towards redefining the way underwriters interact with locations and exposure.”
Daniel Buda, Account Executive at Tensorflight, said:
“We are thrilled to announce our strategic alliance with the MS Amlin London team, which leverages AI cutting-edge technology to revolutionize the way underwriters assess property exposure. Our solutions represent a significant milestone in the journey towards modernizing the way underwriters interact with locations and exposures.”