Welcome to #buildingoftheweek. We are excited to share that we’re moving our Poland office! The new home of our Polish team is located in M76 building, located at Marszałkowska 76, Warsaw. Let’s take a deeper look into some of the property’s details and designation.

M76 is an 11-story office building that boasts a modern and stylish design. Built in 2003, its facade is crafted from high-quality stone and has a timeless look that adds to the overall aesthetic of the building. The building has a gross floor area of 88,479 square feet, and the average area of a floor workspace is 5920 square feet.
Not only is M76 Tensorflight’s new home – it also hosts Poland’s biggest morning show – “Dzień Dobry TVN”. The program is up on Polish TV every morning, from 8 to 11 AM. TVN’s M76 studio is located on the building’s very top floor and often portrays Warsaw’s city center panorama, which looks amazing from up there.
With our move to M76, we’re continuing our commitment to providing the very best possible working environment – the new office offers more space, modern facilities, and a prime location in the heart of Warsaw. The move to M76 is certainly an exciting step!
All the property details were extracted by Tensorflight. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you create better insurance products, reach out to our team today.