Generate quality reports on properties within seconds with Tensorflight's Web App

Access an advanced view of the property. 

AI-extracted data

Property data, recent imagery, external data reports, and advanced visualizations through our web app. The app shows our AI-extracted data alongside imagery and external datasets involved in the calculation. You can request new analyses and view your historical requests.

Property look-up for underwriters

Users can simply type in or paste the address they are interested in into the search bar visible on the main screen. Access an advanced view of the property, including the data, fresh imagery, external data reports, and advanced visualizations like defensible space or measurement view within a few seconds.

Commercial property includes very complex risks – if you are underwriting a multi-billion dollar hotel you may want to pay more attention to such buildings. Our AI rates each building with a confidence score – more on that in the confidence values article.

Each value we return is rated as whether it can be used fully automatically and doesn’t need human input – needs a review from our expert property analysts team. This means that each property we analyze is receiving the attention it needs, according to AI confidence, building value, and risks associated.

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